Constipation is a common gastrointestinal problem that affects approximately 30 percent of the general population and is most common in women, children and the elderly. Even though it is a common problem, constipation should not be ignored as it can have serious side-effects if it persists.
Diverticulosis and Diverticulitis
Diverticulosis is a condition when small pouches, called diverticula, form in the wall of the colon. This becomes more common as people get older. About half of people over the age of 60 have diverticulosis. A low-fiber diet can exert more pressure on the colon during bowel movements, which can cause these pouches to form. Diverticulosis does not cause any symptoms until they become inflamed or infected resulting in diverticulitis. These two conditions together are called diverticular disease.
Gastrointestinal and Gastroenterologist
The term gastrointestinal (GI) refers collectively to the organs of the body that play a part in food digestion. A gastroenterologist is an internal medicine physician who has undergone additional education and training to specialize in gastroenterology, or the treatment of diseases in the gastrointestinal tract and liver.
Reflux Esophagitis
Reflux esophagitis is one of the complications that can come from having chronic heartburn and acid reflux, also known as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Esophagitis is inflammation that damages the lining of the esophagus and often causes painful or difficult swallowing and chest pain.